Reports & Household Market Insights
The doxo Household Bill Pay dataset offers insights into the financial obligations of U.S. households at the national, state, county, and city levels. It provides a thorough and detailed overview, utilizing doxo’s exclusive dataset derived from real bill payments spanning 97% of U.S. zip codes and 45 bill pay service categories.
doxoINSIGHTS comprehensive data allows for a level of precision beyond traditional survey-based estimates, offering a more accurate representation of market size and consumer spending patterns.
Reports compiled from this data provide transparency into specific areas including demographic, economic challenges, and service categories for another view into the dynamics of the bill pay economy.
2024 Household Bills
2024 U.S. Bill Pay Report
While the total market size for U.S. household bills is $4.46 trillion per year, this report focuses on the ten most common household bills, which amount to $3.35 trillion.