We’re on a mission to make online bill pay simple, fast, and secure
Since its inception, doxo has been on a mission to simplify and reduce the anxiety of staying on top of bills, empowering consumers to improve their financial health.
Bill Pay Peace of Mind
Your time and peace of mind deserve a better way to pay.
Break free from the burden of paying bills across multiple platforms. With doxo, you can manage all your bills and due dates in one place, pay anytime, on any device, free of delivery fees when paid with a linked bank account.
Without doxo:
Bill Pay Chaos
With doxo:
Bill Pay Peace of Mind

About doxo
Consumer and Biller demand has fueled rapid growth
As consumers shift more bill payments online and to mobile, doxo continues to experience rapid growth.
To date, over ten million doxo users across 97% of U.S. zip codes have paid bills through the payment network, across more than 45 different service categories. With more than 120,000 payable billers, doxo’s proprietary, crowd sourced provider directory is the largest in the nation.
Household Bill Pay Market
doxo delivers innovation that transforms the bill pay experience for consumers, billers and financial technology providers
Each year U.S. households spend over $4.46 trillion – about one third of all consumer spending – on recurring bill payments. Further, through statistical analysis of actual household payments, doxo found that Americans spend $3.35 trillion annually across ten primary bill payment categories.
To date, doxo has helped over 10 million households manage all their bills and due dates in one place, and pay their bills anytime, on any device, with free payment delivery options.
Statistically Significant 10M+ customers served
Geographically Diverse 97% of U.S. zip codes captured
Broad 120K unique bill providers
Deep 45 biller service categories
Household Bill Pay Market
10 Primary Bill Categories
($ In Billions)
Average annual bill cost per U.S. household is adjusted to account for % of households carrying bill.
Trusted by Over 10 Million American Households
Say hello to a faster, safer, and more convenient way to pay bills
doxo also aims to bring transparency to the U.S. bill pay market by bringing together the broadest available data set for analyzing actual household payment activity, and making it available to the public.
doxo’s products and services help over ten million people break free from bill burden, protect their financial health, and accomplish their financial goals.
doxo and doxoPLUS+
doxo helps people break free from their bill burden and protect their financial health. They can manage all their bills and due dates in one place, pay anytime on any device, free of delivery fees (when paid with a linked bank account), and accomplish their financial goals.
doxo users who upgrade to doxoPLUS+ get additional protections while paying their bills.
doxo Bill Pay Network
The doxo network provides the most comprehensive coverage of household
bill pay in the United States. All doxo users are able to pay any of the 120,000+ service providers in the network and to suggest additional providers and services they need to pay. This crowd-sourced approach is vital to providing comprehensive coverage of local and regional providers — often overlooked by traditional enterprise payment networks.
While many service providers have bill pay listed on their websites, most customers don’t visit the websites of every one of their billers each month. As a result, bill payments still come through other channels — mail, bank payments, cash payments, and others. Sign up as a doxoDIRECT Biller, close the gap, and enhance customer engagement and payment convenience beyond your website alone.
doxoINSIGHTS provides analysis of U.S, bill pay statistics and bill payer behavior, leveraging doxo’s unique aggregate, anonymized bill pay data comprised of actual bill payment activity to confirmed household service providers. This foundation of validated payment behavior provides greater insight and reliability and brings together the broadest available data set for analyzing actual household payment activity.