doxo named a Top 10 Rethinking Idea of 2010
January 1, 2011
The Top 10 Rethinking Ideas of 2010 (plus one)
Original article: Disruptor League
This is a top 11 list for 2010. The majority of these ideas are so simple (in retrospect) that they make you want to slap your head for not thinking of them.
doxo is the best idea in online bill-pay ever. That’s about all you really need to know, but that’s who they are. You may not think your online bill pay solution is broken, but once you understand doxo, you will really wonder why this didn’t happen sooner. It’s free, it’s clear and simple, there are no ads, and they store all of your billing data. Another great candidate for a duh rethinking award.
Full list available at Disruptor League