12 State and County Governments Join doxo

doxo, the all-in-one digital file cabinet and payment provider, today announced that a dozen state and local government agencies have joined doxo. doxo enables these government agencies to send bills, tax statements and other notices directly into the doxo filing cabinets of their residential and commercial customers. In turn, their customers can now go paperfree, receive documents and bills, and set-up one time and recurring payments, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week — using doxoPAY and doxo Mobile.
When governments connect with residential and commercial customers on doxo, they eliminate the costs associated with printing and postage, shorten payment collection cycles for treasuries, and provide their customers with a convenient free tool to receive statements, pay bills, and store important documents.
“Like many government entities, we have been evaluating opportunities to improve service and cut costs by leveraging cloud-based technologies. In just the first 60 days since we launched on doxo, more than a thousand of our residents have already connected with us to go paperfree, receive their tax statements directly to their doxo file cabinet, and make their tax payments,” said Doug Lasher, Treasurer, Clark County Washington. “Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Making sure property taxes are paid on time is a breeze with doxo and free for the taxpayer. doxo is the wave of the future.”
In addition to the State of Washington, the county agencies now on doxo include Benton County, Chelan County, Clallam County, Clark County, Franklin County, Island County, Lincoln County, Pend Oreille County, Stevens County, Thurston County and Walla Walla County. Collectively, these government entities serve millions of residents and deliver tens of millions of documents per year.
In addition to receiving documents, bills, and tax statements from their participating government entity, customers can use doxo as a free online file cabinet to store documents and manage critical account information. Each time a customer connects to a service provider, paper mail is turned off completely, and documents are thereafter delivered directly to their digital file cabinet. Documents can be filed, printed, or downloaded at any time, and are securely stored without time limits.
“doxo makes it easy for state and county governments to reduce the expense of paper mail, eliminate environmental waste, and speed collection of payments,” said Steve Shivers, co-founder and CEO of doxo. “With very little IT hassle, government agencies and other providers can join doxo, and start improving service for residents and cutting costs in a matter of weeks. It’s extremely gratifying to already see both the magnitude of savings and the positive response from both residents and organizations alike.”
doxo empowers businesses and government organizations of all sizes to lower operating expenses and dramatically increase paperless adoption. As a cloud-based service doxo requires no software, installed infrastructure, or IT services for providers to join the network. More information for governments and other organizations looking to enhance customer bill pay experience contact doxo’s Biller Success Team to get started.