doxoINSIGHTS » U.S. Bill Pay Cable and Internet Market Size and Spending

U.S. Cable & Internet Market Size and Household Spending Report 2021

Feature image for doxoINSIGHTS Cable & Internet Report

Today we released our U.S. Cable & Internet Market Size and Household Spending Report for 2021, revealing that Americans spend $147 billion annually on Cable & Internet bills. The report found that the 82% of U.S. households with a Cable & Internet bill spend $116 per month, or $1,392 per year – or $1,141 per year when averaging across all U.S. households. The report also breaks out the U.S. household spending market size; percentage of households that pay each bill; and average monthly and annual bill pay costs by state, largest metro areas and cities based on population.

doxoINSIGHTS’ U.S. Cable & Internet Market Size and Household Spending Report is particularly timely given the recent launch of the FCC’s Emergency Broadband Benefit program, which will provide a subsidy of up to $50 per month for Internet service for those who qualify. Given that the average household in the U.S. spends $116 per month on Cable & Internet, this benefit could cut consumers’ monthly bill in half, saving them up to 43% per month and upwards of $600 per year. To learn how the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program will benefit consumer spend on monthly Cable & Internet Bills broken down by U.S. State and top 25 U.S. Metro area, please see here.

What do the report findings reveal about Cable and Internet market size and bills?

doxoINSIGHTS leverages doxo’s unique, aggregate, anonymized bill pay data comprised of actual bill payment activity to confirmed household service providers across the country. Key findings include the following:

  • Total Market Size: $147 billion spent per year
  • Average Monthly/Annual Cost: $116 spent per month; $1,392 spent per year
  • Percent of Households: 82% of U.S. households pay Cable & Internet bills
  • Average Annual Cost per U.S. Household: $1,141 per year*
  • Percent of Annual Income: Cable & Internet bills amount to 2% of consumers’ income per year

The U.S. Cable & Internet Market Size and Household Spending Report breaks out the household spending market size; percentage of households that pay each bill; and average monthly and annual bill pay costs by state, largest metro areas and cities based on population. The full report can be found below. You can also refer to doxoINSIGHTS’ blog post summarizing the report findings: How Much Are Cable and Internet Bills for US Households?