doxoINSIGHTS » U.S. Mobile Phone Market Size and Household Spending Report 2023

U.S. Mobile Phone Market Size and Household Spending Report 2023

Feature image for doxoINSIGHTS Mobile Phone Report

Today, doxo released a new report that reveals that Americans spend an average of $1,342 per year on mobile phone services, up 5% from last year.

Through a statistical analysis of actual household payments toward mobile phones across 97% of U.S. zip codes, doxoINSIGHTS’ Mobile Phone Market Size and Household Spending Report for 2023 sized the overall market, revealing that Americans spend $175 billion annually on mobile phone services.

The findings uncover that 94% of U.S. households with a Mobile Phone bill spend $119 per month, or $1,428 per year – which equates to $1,342* per year when averaging across all U.S. households.

The report breaks out the U.S. household spending market size; percentage of households that pay each bill; and average monthly and annual bill pay costs by state, largest 50 U.S. cities and cities in the U.S. with more than 40k households.

As Americans continue to face inflation across categories, a recent survey revealed that more than half of Americans (56%) would be open to switching service providers in order to save money.

Compared with doxo’s 2022 analysis of the $166 billion Mobile Phone market (finding consumers pay $113 per month, $1,275 per year*), 94% of American households that have this bill have shown a 5% increase in how much they spend monthly. 

Mobile Phone Spending Snapshot

  • Total Market Size: $175 billion spent per year
  • Average Monthly/Annual Cost: $119 spent per month; $1,428 spent per year
  • Percent of Households: 94% of U.S. households pay Mobile Phone bills
  • Average Annual Cost per U.S. Household: $1,342 per year*
  • Percent of Annual Income: Mobile phone bills amount to 2% of consumers’ income per year

U.S. Household Spending:
Mobile Phone Industry

The report breaks out the U.S. household spending market size; percentage of households that pay each bill; and average monthly and annual bill pay costs by state, largest metro areas and cities based on population.