doxoINSIGHTS » U.S. Mobile Phone Market Size and Household Spend Report 2024

U.S. Mobile Phone Market Size and Household Spend Report 2024

Feature image for doxoINSIGHTS Mobile Phone Report

Today, doxo released a new report that reveals that Americans spend an average of $1,365 per year on mobile phone services, up 2% from last year.

Through a statistical analysis of actual household payments toward mobile phones across 97% of U.S. zip codes, doxoINSIGHTS’ U.S. Mobile Phone Market Size and Household Spend Report for 2024 sized the overall market, revealing that Americans spend $180 billion annually on mobile phone services.

The findings uncover that 94% of U.S. households with a Mobile Phone bill spend $121 per month, or $1,452 per year – which equates to $1,365* per year when averaging across all U.S. households.

The report breaks out the U.S. household spending market size; percentage of households that pay each bill; and average monthly and annual bill pay costs by state, largest 50 U.S. cities and cities in the U.S. with more than 40k households.

According to a recent Pew Research Center survey, 97% of Americans own a cell phone and nine in 10 own a smartphone. Compared with doxo’s 2023 analysis of the $175 billion Mobile Phone market (finding consumers pay $119 per month, $1,342 per year*), 94% of American households that have this bill have shown a 2% increase in how much they spend monthly.

Mobile Phone Spending Snapshot

  • Total Market Size: $180 billion spent per year
  • Average Monthly/Annual Cost: $121 spent per month; $1,452 spent per year
  • Percent of Households: 94% of U.S. households pay Mobile Phone bills
  • Average Annual Cost per U.S. Household: $1,365 per year*
  • Percent of Annual Income: Mobile phone bills amount to 2% of consumers’ income per year

U.S. Mobile Phone Market Size & Household Spend Report 2024

The report breaks out the U.S. mobile phone market size and household spend; percentage of households that pay the bill; and average monthly and annual costs by state, largest 50 cities and additional cities based on population.

**Average Monthly Bill x % of Households with Bill x 12 months per year = Average Annual Cost per U.S. Household.