doxoINSIGHTS » Cable & Internet Household Spending Report 2023

U.S. Cable and Internet Market Size and Household Spend Report 2024

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A new report released today from doxo reveals that Americans spend an average of $1,186 per year on cable & internet services, up 3.4% from last year. Through a statistical analysis of actual household payments toward mobile phones across 97% of U.S. zip codes, doxoINSIGHTS’ Cable & Internet Market Size and Household Spend Report for 2024 sized the overall market, revealing that Americans spend $156 billion annually on cable & internet. The findings uncover that 81% of U.S. households with a cable & internet bill spend $122 per month, or $1,464 per year – which equates to $1,186* per year when averaging across all U.S. households.

What do the report findings reveal about Cable and Internet market size and bills?

doxoINSIGHTS leverages doxo’s unique, aggregate, anonymized bill pay data consisting of actual bill payment activity to confirmed household service providers across the country.

The U.S. Cable & Internet Market Size and Household Spending Report breaks out the household spending market size; percentage of households that pay each bill; and average monthly and annual bill pay costs by state, the 50 largest U.S. cities based on # of households, and those cities with 40k or more residents.

Key findings include the following:

  • Total Market Size: $156 billion spent per year
  • Average Monthly: $122 spent per month
  • Percent of Households: 81% of U.S. households pay Cable & Internet bills
  • Average Annual Cost per U.S. Household: $1,186 per year*
  •  Percent of Annual Income: Cable & Internet bills amount to 2% of consumers’ income per year

*Average Monthly Bill x % of Households with Bill x 12 months per year = Average Annual Cost per U.S. Household.

U.S. Cable & Internet Market Size and
Household Spend Report 2024

A comprehensive look into the Cable & Internet market size and average spend at the national, state, and regional level.