Why is my company showing up on doxo?
Your company is showing up on doxo because at least one customer has added you to our provider network, and is using doxo in order to connect with your company and make their payments. Once a company has been added by a doxo user, we verify the information against a variety of sources, add additional details, and publish it to make it available to other doxo users.
Users can further help enhance the doxo experience as customers by creating a “Bills & Accounts List” to use in keeping track of their providers, suggesting updates to a company profile, and by suggesting new companies we should add to doxo.
If a company hasn’t yet joined doxo, any doxo user can suggest updates or additions to the profile, with those updates and additions then verified for accuracy before approval on doxo. If a company joins the doxo network, that company then has the added ability to edit and maintain their own company profile page.